Schedule Exam
Exam Preparation & Procedures

LinuC exams are distributed through Pearson VUE, the test distribution company. Candidates may select their preferred date, time and location from any Pearson VUE test center in Japan or worldwide.

Please complete the following steps to schedule an exam.



You will need to create an EDUCO-ID before taking LinuC exams (you do not need a new ID if you already have an EDUCO-ID or LPI-ID). If you forget your EDUCO-ID, you can log in to the My Account(member's page)with your user name or e-mail address to check your information.

STEPSchedule Exam

Candidates can schedule an exam for any test center in Japan or worldwide using the Pearson VUE site.
You will need to create a Pearson VUE account before scheduling an exam.
Candidates can also schedule an exam by phone. Please contact the customer service center in your desired region to make a phone reservation.

STEPImportant Notice about Exam Reservations

Candidates need to consent to a non-disclosure agreement when scheduling an exam at a test center. Please note that you cannot make a reservation without consenting to the non-disclosure agreement.

STEPPassing & Certification

Candidates who successfully qualify for certification will be issued a certificate and card by LPI-Japan. Certified individuals are authorized to use the logo on their personal business cards, etc.(Learn more about using the logo.)

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